Finalmente sono arrivate!
Stavo aspettando le mitiche cupcakes di Christel che mi sono regalata per il compleanno che sarà il 13 dicembre.
Sono BELLISSIME !! tanto più piccole e più belle di quanto mi aspettassi.
Grazie Christel, saranno un tesoro per me.
Birthday present
At last they have arrived!
I was waiting Christel's famous cupcakes that I presented to myself as a birthday present which will be the 13 December.
They are BEAUTIFUL !! much tinier and cuter than I supposed them to be.
Thank you Christel, I'll cherish them.
4 commenti:
Hi Rosanna:) I am very happy that the cupcakes have arrived to you and that you liked them. Thanks:)
Che bell'auto-regalo di compleanno!!
Wonderful cupcakes..... goes well with the pink beautiful sofa you made!
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