Poi domenica ci siamo spostati inVersilia per un'altra gara che è finita in tarda serata.
Per non rischiare di trovarci imbottigliati in coda abbiamo deciso di cenare a Pisa e ne è valsa la pena.
Non si può spiegare quanto sia bella la Piazza dei Miracoli al tramonto quando la folla dei turisti si dirada e la luce rosata accarezza le antiche pietre.
E' un'emozione da vivere.
E la cosa migliore è che si trova a solo ad 1 ora e mezzo da casa nostra.
We had a busy week end. We worked all day on Sat then we left to Garfagnana ( Tuscany) for a night golf match. Yes, you have read properly, there are some nuts who play golf at night with fluorescent balls and we, humble ball-boys, must help...
Then on Sunday we moved to Versilia for a new match which ended late in the evening.
To avoid a traffic jam we decided to have dinner in Pisa and it was worth of it.
I cannot explain how beautiful Piazza dei Miracoli (= Miracles Square) is at sunset when the tourists crowd leaves and the rosy light caresses the antique stones.
It is an emotion worth living.
And the best thing is that it is at 1.30 hour driving distance from our home.
The Baptistry. Doesn't it look like Hansel and Gretel's marzipan house?
The Duomo and the Tower
The Leaning Tower, one of Italy's most famous monuments
14 commenti:
LOL, fluorescent golf balls, well, when you are addicted to a sport or hobby, you'll do just about anything!
Absolutely beautiful photos, Rosanna. Thank you so much for sharing your excursions with us!
Hi Marsha, it is Walter who loves golf. I merely follow him when I cannot escape ;o))
The light is beautiful. Such lovely buildings! Wish I could visit there someday..
What an absolutly beautiful place.
Love Jayne xxx
Hi Rosanna, I do not like or play golf, but if I had the chance to visit these amazing places I too would 'happily' follow Walter!!
What a wonderful part of the world and to think just an hour and a half from your home... wow!! Thank you for posting such interesting photos....so beautiful...it just feeds my hunger more and more to return to Europe!!!
Regards, Linda x
...I loved how you discribed the scene, 'very peotic'...
Such lovely photos... I love the light. Thanks so much for sharing your travels-- I get to live vicariously through you!
Wonderful photographs Rosanna, thank you for sharing them with us. Fancy building them in miniature? x
Ciao Rosanna!
Come stai?
E' tantissimo che non passo di qui per un saluto.
Che meraviglia Pisa! Non l'ho mai visitata (ma quando passo di lì vedo sempre la Torre dall'autostrada) e spero tanto di andarci un giorno. Le tue foto di sicuro invogliano, soprattutto in quell'orario!
Un abbraccio, buona giornata =)
WOW, I was just there some years ago!!! I have a picture just near the Pisa tower. Lovely place...so many lovely places in Italy, I love your country.
(I have a surprise for you im my blog miniatures forever)
I love the leaning tower. Your pictures are always so wonderful. What an amazing place you live. I feel like I've been to Italy after visiting your blog. Thank you so much. Mini hugs!
Great photos, and thanks so much for sharing. Beautiful buildings. Night golf with fluorescent golf balls - that is a new one for me. I know little to nothing about golf, but would tag along just to see the sites. :-)
Wonderful photos as ever Rosanna. You are so very lucky to love so close.
Hi Rosanna. It sounds beautiful dining in Pisa. You get to see all the beautiful sights.
I didnt know people play night golf.
Thank you for visiting my blog with your best wishes for my husband. We find out today after further tests.
Also i have still not emailed you back after your email a little while ago. I hope you find the images useful that debbie sent for me to you.
Best wishes, Nikki x
I have never been to Italy but my sis had and a very wonderful Thai friend. My sis would tell me how our Thai friend took all the pictures of the Leaning Tower tilting the camera so that it became straight..lol! He's just being funny :) but not as funny as you, Rosanna, night golf with fluorescent balls is hilarious!
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