giovedì 3 dicembre 2009

lettera aperta - open letter

§ Scrivo questa lettera perchè sono un po' malata....
Detesto andare a dormire lasciando faccende in sospeso o irrisolte.
Non mi piacciano i malumori e di solito faccio del mio meglio perchè chi mi sta vicino, di persona o virtualmente, stia bene.
Qualche giorno fa è successa una cosa che mi ha rattristato ed infastidito.
Quindi la mia prima reazione è stata impulsiva.
Poi, visto che mi hanno creato con il senso di colpa incorporato, mi sono fatta un esame di coscienza.
Ho capito di essere stata un po' ingenua e superficiale mentre dall'altra parte si è stati un po' criptici. Insomma, ci siamo fraintese a vicenda.
Rimango dell'opinione che valga il detto biblico: "Chiedete e vi sarà dato" e che il self-service non giovi a nessuno, ma mi auguro che l'incidente che mi ha creato questa inquietudine possa essere archiviato con una stretta di mano.
Auguro di cuore un Buon Natale al mio interlocutore.

§ I'm writing this letter because I'm a bit insane...
I hate going to sleep leaving unsolved matters.
I hate bad moods and usually I do my best so that the people who stands beside me, in person or virtually, might feel good.
A few days ago something occured which saddened and bothered me.
Hence my first reaction was quite impulsive.
Then, since I was born with a inlaid guilt sense, I made myself a coscience exam (Catholic upbringing...).
I understood that I've been naive and superficial, while on the other side someone has been criptic. In a few words, there has been a misunderstanding.
I keep faithfull to my idea that the biblic saying: "Ask and you'll be given" is always right and that the self service attitude brings no good to anybody. But I truly wish that this accident, which has caused so much discomfort to me, can be cast aside with a hand shake.
I wholeheartely wish a Merry Christmas to my interlocutor.

20 commenti:

synnøve ha detto...

No you are NOT insane!!! Just a sweet and kind person!!
I don´t really understand your post...but I hope the matter is soon solved and a good nights sleep lies ahead of you =)

rosanna ha detto...

This post has been written for one particular person. I hope she reads it.

TreeFeathers ha detto...

Dear Rosanna, I don't know what has happened to upset you, but I hope that it will soon be resolved. Sometimes things just go wrong, sometimes people just conflict. Please don't beat yourself up too much! (Although I do understand the whole Catholic guilt thing!) Since I have gotten to know you (virtually) in the miniatures world, I have seen you to be a kind and caring person who is supportive of other miniaturists. So please remember that there are many of us out here who do care about you and wish you the very best!

- Grace

Linda Carswell ha detto...

So sorry to see you Synnove, I know none of the details...but I hope this can swiftly be resolved for you and that we have our WONDERFUL Rosanna back with us doing all the lovely 'posts' that we all love you for!!!

Big hug to take away any of the pain!
Linda x

Glenda/MidSouth ha detto...

I am so sorry something happened to upset you. :-( Hope all gets worked out soon.

sylvia ha detto...

I am sorry that there is something that upste you, I hope the person read your letter and all gets worked out.
Don't forget, you are a very nice person!

Hugs Sylvia

cockerina ha detto...

a volte può capitare di fraintedersi, ma tra persone adulte, civili e intelligenti, che è la qualità indispensabile per capirsi, capita anche di stringersi la mano e scusarsi a vicenda...
non essere triste, forse è per questo che ti sono calate le difese immunitarie e sei malata??
non ne vale la pena, domani a mente fresca vedrai tutto sotto un'altra luce..
ti auguro di guarire presto il corpo e.. il cuore!!
un bacio, Caterina

Sans! ha detto...

You know Rosanna, this is exactly what I expect you may do. If you are a man, you would have been proclaimed "A perfect gentleman!" I hope it is similarly reciprocated and whoever she is accepts your olive branch. Even if she does not read this, I think you have done what you can and you can sleep with no guilty conscience now.

kimsminiatures ha detto...

Sending you hugs Rosanna :)

Lize ha detto...

Such a lovely 'lettera aperta' (si, si, I am learning Italian!) Rosanna, I hope this matter, which I can see has caused you much anxiety, is quickly resolved. I see your kind remarks everywhere and everywhere I go people are saying kind thing about you.

kathi ha detto...

Wishing you a good night's sleep and a prayer for a sweet dreams.

dalesdreams ha detto...

(((Rosanna))) I so understand what you feel.

I hope it all works out for the best, sorry for your stress. :(

You truly are a sweet heart, it comes through in your postings. :)

Marsha @ Tattered Chick ha detto...

Oh, Rosanna, I can so relate. I had to chuckle at the inlaid guilt . . . I know that one as well!

I hope all works out. You are a kind and caring person.

Hope you have a good night's rest.


Tabitha Corsica ha detto...

I find it is always best to go directly to the source when such things occur. Posting something that may or may not be seen by the individual in question does not solve the problem but a personal note or call just may. I hope you can resolve whatever this issue is and get back to the business of miniaturing...where you belong :-)


Marja ha detto...

hi rosanna
I hope for you that this is resolved soon!
big hugg!

Begoña ha detto...

misunderstandings just happend, dont be upset, Rossana.

Eva Russo ha detto...

Spero che riuscirai a chiarire questo malinteso. A volte succede di lasciarsi un po' trasportare dalle emozioni...vedrai che tutto si aggiusterà anche perché chi legge questa lettera capisce che viene dal cuore!
Un bacione grande
PS: oggi posto il mio "swap" volevi delle foto vero? Le ho ma non sono un gran mia macchina sta un po' dando i numeri O_o

Julia and Hywel ha detto...

I hope it all works out soon and your olive branch is accepted gracefully. Sending you a huge hug to make you feel better.
Julia xx

Unknown ha detto...

Dear Rosanna,I don't met you in real person,but I somehow know you are sweet and kind and never change that! Stay with your self and everything will come out right!
Hug, Sabiha

Tallulah Belle ha detto...

Bless you Rosanna....I hope things get sorted out for you. Big hugs xxx