§ This is Stephanie's swap gift: mini biscuits snow flakes shaped and an assort
ment of cupcakes ad eclairs. All of them baby bue !!! Wonderful.
§ Questo è il regalo di Terry. Guardate il finocchio: non è meraviglioso?
§ This is Terry's gift. Look at the fennel: isn't it beautiful?
§ Mercedes mi ha mandato uno strofinaccio per la cucina ma è così bello che sto già lavorando per trasformarlo in un cuscino. Vedrete il risultato.
Ma il non plus ultra è questa bambola, mi piace da morire!
§ Mercedes sent me a kitchen towel but is is so beautiful that I'm already turning it into a pillow case. You'll see the result.
But the best thing was this doll, I love it to bits !
§ Questo l'avete già visto sul blog di Debbie....io non riuscivo a credere ai miei occhi quando è spuntato da sotto una tovaglietta con la mappa del Galles. So quanta fatica è costato a Debbie per cui non finirò mai di ringraziarla. Guardate bene tutto, i particolari sono fantastici !!
§ You have already seen this in Debbie's blog....I could not believe my eyes when it appeared from under a Welsh map tea towel. I know how much effort has costed to Debbie and I shall never stop thanking her. Look well at it, the details are amazing !!
§ E alla fine un grande grande ringraziamento a Katie che mi ha mandato un bellissimo biglietto con delle mini foto di panorami in West Virginia. Sono foto meravigliose e tra poco le vedrete nelle loro cornici.
§ Last but not least a big thank you to Katie who sent me a wonderful card with mini paintings of West Virginia landascapes. They are wonderful pics and you'll soon see them in their frames.
14 commenti:
It is so wonderful, all these gifts made with care. A long time from now you will still treasure them.
Merry Christmas to you :)
You got some wonderful gifts ^^
Lovely Gifts Rosanna. Glad you had nice Christmas. I wanted to wish you a very very Happy New Year!
My grandparents were from Piemonte Italy. I had to ask my mom because I couldn't remember.
Wow the pictures from the swap are all so wonderful.
Hugs~ Kim
You have certainly recieved some wonderful gifts....one of my favorite gifts at christmas was the telephone call from you....so wonderful to finally hear your voice....Thank you Rosanna, I am 'thrilled'!
Linda x
The Swap has been an outstanding success.
Wonderful Gifts for a wonderful Lady, I'm so pleased you liked your gifts Rosanna..xxx
So great to have such wonderfully creative friends :). Can't enlarge the pic in my new comp but I would love to see Mercedes' doll! I got a card from Katie too! :)And those gingerbread houses...oh, you lucky lucky girl!
Congratulations! All the gifts are just wonderful!!
!Que cantidad de regalitos, a cual más bonito. Felicidades todo preciosos.
Un abrazo Carmen
Beautiful gifts Rosanna,you so wearth it!
I'm waiting or my pc to be repaired because it doesn't work since almost a week...I'm still waiting but with Christmas hollidays it will take another week till the problem is fixed...so you have to miss me on the blogsphere and I have to wait posting abot the wonderfull gift Kim has made me!
Thank yu for making the Christmas swap possible and a Happy New Year!
Love sabiha!
ma sono regali per te??????????
WOWWWWWW ti è andata bene questo Natale!! ah ah!! sono felice per te, te li meriti tutTi questi bellissimi doni, il dono più grande che invece tu hai fatto a noi è stato proprio organizzare lo swap: è stata per me una bellissima esperienza sicuramente da ripetere, mi ha dato modo di conoscere nuove amiche e di emozionarmi anche solo a guardare le foto dei loro splendidi lavori.. quindi GRAZIE ROSANNA!!!!!!!!
baci, Caterina
Rosanna such beautiful gifts and well deserved to a lovely lady too! I just adore Mercedes dolls, you and Linda are very lucky girls!Such presious additions to your houses. Hope your Christmas was wonderful, and thankyou again for the swap, so very well organised!! Kate xxxxx
So wonderfull things, I´m really impressed!
Hi Rosanna,
How many wonderful gifts you received. They're beautiful.
I want to thank you once again that organized the swap even though I've been lucky and have not received any gift or message from K. Arthur.
It was my first swap and I have enjoyed participating.
Do not miss the excitement and hope for better luck next time.
A warm greeting from Spain, Sonia
How exciting to find such treasures in the mail, they are wonderful gifts!
Happy New Year Rosanna!
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