Dovete sapere che Sylvia molto gentilmente mi ha mandato tutto l'occorrente per fare i giacinti.
Non mi sono precipitata a farli perchè volevo che avessero una collocazione adeguata dentro vasi che mi piacessero.
Sempre ispirata al lavoro di Sylvia e Marlies mi sono data da fare con carta e vernici e ho costruito cinque mastelli, dopodichè ho invecchiato dei vasi terracotta.
A questo punto, abbastanza soddisfatta del risultato, ho fatto i giacinti e li ho invasati.
Ecco il risultato. solo avessi la casa dove metterli.
hyacinths and tubs
You have to know that Sylvia very kindly sent me all the material to do hyacinths.
I didn't rush to do them because I wanted to give them a proper collocation inside vases which I liked.
Always inspired by Sylvia's and Marlies' work I have worked with paper and vernish and I made up five tubs, after that I aged some terracotta pots.
At this point, being quite happy with the result, I did the hyanciths and I planted them.
Here is the result.
....if only I had a house where place them in.
23 commenti:
No words!!!! Absolutely wonderful!!!
The Hyacinth´s are lovely, and the tubs too. I envy you your patient to do all this!!
Yesterday I struggled with a metal, round staircase... (the same as Christel had in one of her pictures)
I promise´s not easy....and I must admit I did some swearing!!!
Rosanna your tubs and Hyacinths look wonderful..
So pretty! Everytime I see something you make, I have to look hard to determine if it is mini or life size. Have a great day.
Oh, Rosanna, those are wonderful!!
Beautiful Rosanna....I see I have competition :-)
Jayne x
Beautiful! Your work looks like the real thing!
Absolutely beautiful! They look so very real. I love the tubs you made. They look fantastic!
Well done Rosanna! They look great! I know how much patience you need to make them...Liberty always wants to help me with mine. I made some more hyacinths for my little garden (which you will be happy to know is almost finished!) I love your tubs, VERY clever!
Rosanna! These are gorgeous! The enamel tubs look really good. By the way, did you see how many of us thought the cushions at the Digital Doll House were stitched by you? :D!
....beautiful work!!!!!!, so cute!!!
Ciao, Rosanna.
Cambiai il mio blog. Ora ce l'ho in Wordpress.
Mi piace la tua foto. Bellissima.
Rosanna, you did a great job, the hyacinths look great and the tubs are so beautiful! Great picture!
* marlies
Thank you, Rosanna, for the welcome to the mini world as well as for following my little blog!
Such beautiful work....really lovely!!!
Fantastici i mastelli...mi devi insegnare a farli!!!
Bellissini anche i fiori, danno veramente l'idea della primavera..sento già il profumo.
Un bacio e ci vediamo domenica.
They are wonderful, the tubs also!!!
Love Sylvia
I like this photo very much! Tubs are amazing!
They are lovely. The flowers and the tubs. I particularly love those tubs. Well done.
How wonderful, I love your tubs and hyancinths, beautiful!
Beautiful, beautiful work!
Fantastici !!!! Sia i giacinti che i come fai a fare tutte queste belle cose ??? Ti mando un abbraccio con un po' di invidia :o) io non riesco neanche più a trovare il tempo per accendere il pc........
Che belle Ro, sarebbero da fare anche grandi! (mi rifunziona il PC!!!!!!!)
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