Oggi tornando a casa per pranzo ho trovato nella cassetta una grande busta.
Non volevo credere ai miei occhi! la lettera di Mercedes, o meglio la seconda lettera, perchè è stata così carina da spedirmene un'altra visto che della prima si sono perse le tracce.
Non vi dico come ero contenta! ho perfino chiamato mio padre per dirglielo e poi ho cominciato a fotografare. Dopodichè ho scritto a Mercedes perchè mi ha commossa.
La busta conteneva un SACCO di regalini, le sue fantastiche casine per gli uccelli ( in due taglie), quadretti, due cornici, una con Liberty e una pronta per Matteo, le scarpine di Liberty, una microborsa e un fantastico libro di schemi per il punto croce. E non meno importante una lettera.
La lettera mi ha toccato perchè rende tutto molto personale e pensato.
Ora vado a mangiare e scappo a lavorare ma GRAZIE Mercedes.
Today coming back home for lunch I found in the mailbox a big envelope.
I couldn't believe my eyes! Mercedes' letter, or rather the second one, because she has been so nice to send me another one since we lost any trace of the first parcel.
Cannot tell you how I was happy! I even called my dad to tell him and then I begun taking pictures. Then I wrote to Mercedes because she has moved me.
The envelope contained a LOT of goodies, her wonderful birdhouses ( in two sizes), pictures, two frames, one with Liberty's pic and one ready for Matteo's, Liberty's tiny walkers, A microbag and a great book of patterns. And last but not least , a letter.
The letter touched me because it makes everything more personal and thought for.
Now I have to go, have lunch and hurry back at work but THANK YOU Mercedes.
7 commenti:
What a wonderful friend Mercedes is. Hugs, Marsha
Mi piace il tuo "blog" (non so perché si dice "blog", invece di una parola italiana).
Wow another good mail day. So happy for you. Looks like some wonderful things. I hope mine makes it there quick. Mini hugs!
Rosanna, I'm so glad that envelope arrived. It only took one week! The mail from NZ can find you after all! Let's hope that whoever has the original package is enjoying the birdhouses too!
Wonderful Gifts Rosanna. How cute are those little shoes and bird houses..
Oh Rosanna, these are so so lovely :). What a great week for you especially when your mail came so late. Mercedes does it so well. I love my mail from her too! She is just so good at making you feel special, doesn't she? I must pop by her blog and congratulate her now!
More great gifts. :) Sorry you are having problems with the mail.
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