Non so da dove cominciare...
Oggi ho ricevuto tre pacchetti da tre amiche di blog e davvero non so da dove partire.
Per prima cosa GRAZIE, tutto questo affetto è così inaspettato e gradito che davvero mi commuove profondamente.
Eva, Katie e Marsha mi hanno spedito tante cosine ma soprattutto ciascuna di loro mi ha scritto un biglietto e mi ha fatto sentire importante.
Katie mi ha mandato le cannucce ricordandosi così del mio commento e due magnifici mini libri con le pagine scritte! davvero incredibili. E un sacco di filato da ricamo... è forse un suggerimento ? ;o))
Eva mi ha mandato tutte cose fatte da lei, bottoni, stelline e quel pendente con la viola che aveva postato sul suo blog: credetemi, la foto non gli rende giustizia.
Marsha mi ha mandato il kit della ricamatrice: fili, forbici, metro e soprattutto la teiera e la tazza per il tè, senza i quali non prendo neppure l'ago in mano. E poi tanti altri oggettini, uno più bello dell'altro.
Dire grazie non mi sembra sufficiente ma sappiate che viene dal cuore.
Un grande abbraccio a tutte.
I do not know how to begin....
Today I received presents from three blog friends and I really do not know how to start.
First thing THANK YOU, all this affection is so unespected and welcomed that truly touches me deeply.
Eva, Katie and Marsha sent me lots of goodies and most important they have all written a card to me and this makes me feel very important.
Katie sent me the drinking straws, thus remembering my comment on her blog and two magnificent books with written pages! truly unbelievable. And a lot of embroidery floss...may be it is a suggestion? ;o))
Eva sent me all hand made things, buttons, little stars and the violet charm that you have seen on her blog: trust me, the pic doesn't give it justice.
Marsha sent me the stitcher's kit: floss, scissors, measuring tape and more over a teapot and a cup, without which I do not even touch the needle. and many other goodies, one cuter than the others.
Thank you doesn't sound enough but believe that it comes from my heart.
A big hug to you all.
15 commenti:
Rosanna! It must have felt like Christmas! What a lot of wonderful goodies!
Rosanna what a wonderful surprise for you, three lots of Goodies and all to arrive on the same day..
I'm very lucky, I know. It has been better than Christmas because it has been a surprise!
They are all really pretty too, Rosanna and all three sent a friendship card. How great is that?
Cara Rosanna, l'affetto che ricevi è supermeritato!
Sono contenta che tu abbia gradito il mio pensiero =^_^= e ti ringrazio per i complimenti!
Un caro abbraccio!
.... that´s great!!!!!what a nice surprise!!!!! congratulations!!
Rosanna, You are lucky!!! With so many lovely minis arriving the same day. Enjoy them.
Christmas at wonderful for you Rosanna... Enjoy your goodies and the day
So glad that everything got there OK....And that you were surprised!! Those little books are actually the real stories. I generally copy the first chapter, repeat it over and over again....and make it really tiny on the printer. Just bought a new printer for my hopefully here in the next couple of months, I can print some new books out. LOL...I sent you the DMC floss because I knew you'd use it. :)
Katie in case you ever need it:))
I'm SO happy you like what I sent! And I was doubly happy that it didn't take that long to reach you!!! Enjoy! Hugs, Marsha
Very nice gifts.
Lucky you.
See it can be a mini holiday any day :-)
Rosanna...I hope you feel better soon sweetie.
Jayne x
What a lovely gifts, lucky you!
* marlies
Hey Rosanna, you don't know how to start?!? well, just be happy - you are a loved person... and you've got friends that is a great thing to start with... :0) love, Mira!
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