ho avuto tanto da fare dopo il ritorno dalla mini vacanza che non ho avuto il tempo di scrivere il promemoria per lo swap.
Spero che qualcuno abbia già ricevuto il suo dono e aspetto ancora qualche fotografia.
Non vedo l'ora di farveli vedere tutte.
§ Hi everyone,
I have been so busy after the return from the mini holiday that I had not the time to write the swap reminder.
hope that someone has already received her gift and I'm still waiting some pics.
I cannot look forward showing them to you.
2 commenti:
Oh yes Rosanna! I have received my gift from YOU! It is absolutely precious! I love each and every little thing!
I have received mine Rosanna and I can't wait to open it! I'm trying very hard to wait until the 24th. :)
I also know that Christel has received mine.
I loved this swap.
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