Il postino mi ha lasciato tanti pacchetti, grandi e piccoli .
Ero così contenta che ho cominciato ad aprirli sul pianerottolo, senza neppure entrare in casa !
Il primo che ho aperto conteneva questa deliziosa cipollina :o) , una teierina regalatami da Sylvia per aver organizzato lo swap di Natale.
Grazie mille Sylvia, non dovevi ma mi ha fatto tanto tanto piacere. Io ho un debole per le teiere.
§ The last two days have been holidays !
The postman left me lots of parcels, big and small.
I was so thriled that I begun opening them on the hallway, without even getting inside !
The first one I opened contained this lovely little onion :o) , a teapot presented by Sylvia beause I organized the Christmas swap.
Thank you very much Sylvia, you'd have done but I really appreciated it very very much. I have a tender spot for teapots.
§ Il pacchetto più grande era di Sans ed ecco cosa c'era dentro: spezie, spezie, spezie !!!
E Sans mi ha scritto la ricetta per il Curry di pollo. Indovinate cosa mangeremo Domenica ?
§ The bigger parcel was from Sans and here is what was inside : spices spices, spices !!!
More over Sans wrote the Chicken Curry recipe. Guess what we shall have next Sunday for lunch ?
§ Per l'ultimo pacco vi prego di fare un salto alla Casa Rossa....
§ For the last parcel please hop to the Casa Rossa....
7 commenti:
Wow - it does seem like Christmas again! How great of Sans to send along a recipe! I bet its delicious! hugs, ara
The teapot is adorable! What heaven it must have been to open the spices- the colors and I bet the smell was amazing!! Wonderful mail!!
PS- Wish I was coming to lunch :)
pollo al curry??? GNAMMMM!!! Quand'è che lo fai, domenica?? aggiungi un posto a tavola!!!
PS bellissima la teiera!! più che una cipolla a me sembra una testa di aglio però...
I hope you will let me know if the recipe works out! Colours of the spices look so nice.
That little tea-pot is just adorable :). It is wonderful sometimes when the postman is late
Wonderful surprises Rosanna. Sure wish I could send you things. Hugs~ Kim
Lovely teapot Rosanna, that is really a great surprise!
Love your teapots cozy!!!
Pretty teapot! nice surprise from Sylvia
I almost can smell the spices from here, tell us how delicious will be the sunday lunch!
Take care os Susan in Febreruary ;)
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