§ Oggi sono arrivate le pentole e i piatti di terracotta che avevo ordinato ad Elisabetta www.minipottery.it qualche tempo fa.
Sono bellissime, assolutamente perfette.
Potete trovare il link nel mie elenco sotto Ceramiche Italiane.
Vale la pena di andare a curiosare, soprattutto per vedere come sono lavorate.
Per ulteriori dettagli venite alla Casa Rossa.
§ Today I received the pots and dishes which I had asked Elisabetta www.minipottery.it some time ago.
They are beautiful, absolutely perfect.You can find the link in the link list under Ceramiche Italiane.
It's worth going and have a look, mainly to see how she does them.
For better details come at the Casa Rossa.
13 commenti:
Rosanna absolutely beautiful the pottery!!! I live it and thanks for the link for Elisabetta.
Mini hugs
I have fallen in love with the earthen ones and will have to order them for sure!
the pottery is just perfect!! I wouldn't mind having those in my size for my kitchen!!! -ara
love them Rosanna. Wonderful. Thank you for sharing them with us. Mini hugs!
Did you get my email the other day? I think it went to your hubby's email. I need your address. Thanks so much. Mini hugs!
You chose some wonderful pieces, after seeing yours I hope the postman hurrys with mine.
How is the 'slipper' making going...bet they look adorable...!!
Linda x
Hi Rosanna
Lovely pots:)
I have a challenge for you on my blog:) Come over and have a look;)
They are so beautiful!
Beautiful Pots Rosanna. I have a full sized Brown Pot like the one in your photograph..x
Rosanna, belli gli acquisti fatti da Eli, veramente deliziose. Ma bellissime anche le tue ciabattine da perderci gli occhi e grazie per il tutorial per le borsine.
Baci e notte Irene
Wow ! Those are pretty.
Beautiful pots!
Grazie Rosanna per aver apprezzato così tanto le mie terracotte!.. Ma anch'io non ho parole per i ricami splendidi soprattutto personalizzati che fai! I copriteiera sono deliziosi...
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