In realtà sto anche ricamando come una pazza: una lettrice verrà a Genova tra 2 giorni per incontrarmi e prendere il suo copriteiera ed un'altra sta aspettando...
Giuro che sto facendo del mio meglio, scusate il ritardo !
Però ogni tanto mi concedo una passeggiata.
Queste foto le abbiamo scattate domenica scorsa, alle 6 di pomeriggio, prima era davvero troppo caldo per uscire.
Nervi seaside walk
§ Lately I' working at full time basis. I stay out of my home up to 12 hours a day and in the "spare" time I have to iron, cook etc etc etc....
I am also stitching like crazy: a follower will come to Genoa within 2 days to meet me and collect her teacozy and another one is waiting...
I promise that I doing my best, excuse the delay !
But from time to time I concede myself a walk.
These pics have been shot last sunday, at 6 pm, before that it was really too hot to go out.
§ Il porticciolo di Nervi, quartiere marino di Genova

§ Seaside walk dedicated to Anita Garibaldi
11 commenti:
Beautiful Rosanna. I want to go there so much. Don't work too hard. Mini hugs!
What beautiful photos. I know how difficult it is, Rosanna, to find the time to do the things we enjoy when work is calling. It's good that you took the time to take a walk! Hugs, Marsha
Oh! It's beautiful!! I'd love to walk out onto those rocks and have a nap:) So peaceful looking! We just have boring ole sand here!
Great photos - thanks for sharing. Happy Birthday to your Papa.
What a beautiful place to live! I envy your costal walk.
I am glad you took that walk and those beautiful pictures to share. I may live on an island but no way are our coastal lines so beautiful.
I wiki Anita Garibaldi and read about the romantic story between her and Giuseppe Garibaldi. Why is his name so familiar? Can't be that he was just a revolutionary. Artist? Writer? This is bugging me a!
Okay, I think we all need to plan a trip to Rosanna's. We could hang out together and make mini's and then go for a beautiful walk! Oh, that might not work out with Rosanna at work. Well, I could do the ironing, Kim can do the cooking, Marsha can take care of the pets. :)
Beautiful pics Rosanna. I hope you can still find a little time to play!
Beautiful Pictures Rosanna. Thank you for sharing them with us. xx
Beautiful Rosanna, Italy is sooooo beautiful, I've been there many times, I could live there.
Don't work too much, take care,
* marlies
Che belle foto Rosanna! Mi viene un nostalgia...grazie a Dio il tempo bello anche qui, almeno aspetto ancora qualche settimana per deprimermi!
Un abbraccissimo
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