Penso che tutti noi la conosciamo e abbiamo passato innumeri ore ad ammirarla.
Ebbene, qualche tempo fa, Linda scrisse un post dicendo che aveva deciso di vendere alcuni dei mobili in suo possesso e che non pensava le sarebbero stati più utili.Oltretutto sta per traslocare a breve e meno ti devi portare dietro, tanto meglio è.
Mi sono precipitata !!! non so se la mia è stata la prima email ma sicuramente non è stata l'ultima.
§ Linda has completed her wonderful house, La Petite Maison.
I think that we all know it and have spent countless hours admiring it.
Well, some time ago, Linda wrote in a post that she had made up her mind selling some of the pieces of furniture in her behold since she thought they could be no more useful to her. More over she is going to move shortly and the less burden you have, the better.
I rushed !!! I don't know if mine has been the first mail but surely it hasn't been the last one.
§ E oggi, di ritorno da un lungo viaggio in treno, ho trovato questa piccola meraviglia ad aspettarmi sullo zerbino.
Non è adorabile ?!
§ And today, coming back from a long railway trip, I found this little wonder on my doormat.
Mancano i vetri alle finestre; anch'io sono molto indecisa se usare il vetro o il tulle...
§ Look at the inside ...., oh, the inner drawers can be opened ....
The windows panes are missing; I'm too uncertain about what I could use, either glass or tulle ...
Un cottage piccolo piccolo, uguale a quelli della mia collezione di Lilliput Lane e che andrà nella MIA stanza della Casa Rossa.
Sì, avrò una stanza per me finalmente ! anche se mini :o(
§ And since Linda is Linda, that is a over kind lady, she sent to me two surprises.
A teeny tiny cottage, exactly like the ones of my Lilliput Lane collection and it will go in MY room in the Casa Rossa.
Yes, I shall have a room on my own at last ! even though in mini :o(
§ And also this FABOLOUS red glass bowl which will be gorgeous next to the Pomegranate painting.
Thank you very much Linda
15 commenti:
You are so welcome dear Rosanna, I am pleased you like it!
If you look in one of the draws I am sure you shall find the glass for the doors....I intended to use tuille to give the appearance of 'chicken wire'....but I am sure the glass is there.
Linda x
Naturalmente tutto bellissimo.
Ahhh.. che belle le giornate in cui si trovano pacchetti di mini sullo zerbino :-)
Hallo Linda, I've found the glass but the choice is difficult. As Sans says: decisions, decisions....
Oh, so beautiful, Rosanna!!! I am bumed that I missed out on Linda's sale . . . I'm on a budget . . . . :(
Well, I'd go for tuille! it's such a charming piece of furniture. And the small cottage is just lovely :)
Wow! That is a beautiful piece of furniture and lovely gifts from the wonderful Linda!
Fabulous secretary and wonderful tiny gifts as well. :)
Tulle, sounds good!
Oh, it's soo cute! I like it. The bowl is really great too!
The secretaire is gorgeous, I like the décor where the shelves are. Tulle may be a good idea for the doors.
The two gifts are lovely.
Ooooh, you are bashing a cupboard? Don't throw away the glass of course, in case one day you change your mind. I guess what you use for the window will depend very much on where this hutch is going to be? Is it in the library? Kitchen? Bedroom? Are you showing off the things inside? Will the doors be closed or open? If open, do you have space in that room? Maybe you should leave it till after SIMP.LOL
You were on a long railway journey, you said? FaiZ was just asking me yesterday whether you would be driving if the airport is still closed in July..LOL!
Rosanna the secretaire is beautiful and the gift is so lovely!!
Warm regards,
Lucky girl, they are wonderful!
Cumplimenti Rosanna è bellisimo tutto, non mi stranna che sei cosi di contenta. Un bacio
Lovely and special cabinet Rosanna! And how fun to open drawers and find surprises!!!
Looking forward to see it in the house you are making!!!
PS: Go for chicken wire, it will make it even more special!!
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