Julia at http://bearcabinminiatures.blogspot.com // has launched a giveaway for Halloween.
You only have to go to her blog and follow the rules
To enter,
Find Nigel in my witches corner, if you click on the photo, it should enlarge and he will be easier to find!! Tip, he is hiding, so you may not be able to see all of his body!! Once you have found him, leave me a comment saying where he is.
you must be a follower of my blog and add me to your MY BLOG LIST on your blog page (don't worry if you aren't already a follower, just click on the follow blog at the top of the page and add me, then add me to My bloglist in your settings)
Then lastly, make up a little rhyme about halloween, like my silly attempt above in orange and send me the answer to where Nigel is and the rhyme in a comment.
I will then put all the names of those entered in a hat and our little Meg will pick one. I will hold the comments back and publish them with the name and blog address of the winner next thursday, 8th October. The winner can then email me their postage address and let me know which cushion they would like. Easy as that.....I hope!!!
Easy peasy...
Unfortunately I do not know how to make direct links, my pc has lost this ablity ages ago.
Please go to my blog list to enter in Julia's blog.
3 commenti:
I entered this contest and hope to WIN! :)
Can't wait to see all of the entries!
Should be lots of fun!
ho un sonno boia ma finalmente stasera mi è concesso l'uso del pc e posso lasciare commenti qua e là.
A te, tesorino, ti lascio un bacione grande e spero di vederti domenica da Tiziana.
Comunque ti chiamerò domani o dopo.
P.s: il tuo blog è sempre più bello...brava!!!
sul mio blog c'è un premio per te. ciaociao
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