martedì 20 ottobre 2009

lettino rosa - little pink bed

§ La settimana scorsa ho cominciato a ricamare tre copriteiera simultaneamente per un'amica che me ne ha fatto richiesta cosicchè possa scegliere il SUO personale.
Purtroppo venerdì ho avuto un bell'attacco di influenza e gli occhi mi facevano così male che ho dovuto interrompere. Ma a me non piace stare con le mani in mano e allora è nato un lettino....
Andate a scoprirlo nella mia Casa Rossa .

§ Last week I begun to stitch three teacozies simultaneously for a friend who has asked me for it. Thus she will be free to choose HER own.
Alas on Friday I had a severe flue attack and my eyes were so sore that I had to stop. But I do not like keeping hands in hands and then a little bed was born....
Go and discover it at my Casa Rossa.

9 commenti:

Meli Abellán ha detto...

Rosanna, is lovely!!!! Going right now to discover your house!!!

kimsminiatures ha detto...

Wonderful Rosanna. Sorry to hear you got sick. We have been having trouble with that here at my house too! Your little pink bed is so wonderful I want to make myself little and climb in. Hugs~ Kim

Linda Carswell ha detto...

Hope you are recovering from the flu, I've been to see the little bed and it is can only imagine how wonderful your house will be!

Get well soon...Linda x

Glenda/MidSouth ha detto...

The little pink bed is adorable. Sorry you got the flu, and hoping you are feeling better. Sure hope I don't get it - had the regular flu short.

nikkinikkinikki72 ha detto...

Beautiful bed Rosanna!

Nikki xxx

Ara ha detto...

This is so cute!! You're making me think I need to pull out some old magazines and search for ideas! Its just too perfect!

rosanna ha detto...

Thank you everyone for the get well wishes. Fortunately it lasted only two days but alas Matteo has got very high temperature and the doc says that it could last another 48 hours. Poor child, he is feeling so bad.Have a nice day everyone.

Tallulah Belle ha detto...

Hope you all feel better soon (((((())))))

Anonimo ha detto...

Ciao Ro
complimenti è veramente carino.