domenica 25 ottobre 2009

la cruna dell'ago - the eye of the needle

§ Mio fratello Alessandro mi ha lanciato una sfida: provare ad eguagliare questo oggetto straordinario.
Inutile dire che non si può fare altro che restare a bocca aperta.
Ho visto un originale di questo ago al Museo di Montelimar e davvero lascia senza fiato.

§ My brother Alessadro has challenged me: try to do something like this extraordinary object.
Needless to say that the only thing that I could do is to stare at it open mouthed.
I have seen an original needle at Montelimar Museum and it really leaves you breathless.

18 commenti:

Debbie ha detto...

Totally amazing...x

Marsha @ Tattered Chick ha detto...

Incredible! I've seen photos of art such as this. I have no idea how someone can create something that's even beyond "tiny"!


Maria Jose ha detto...

Hello! In my blog there is an award for you

Mercedes Spencer @ Liberty Biberty ha detto...

Well, that is truly amazing what exactly are you going to do?

kimsminiatures ha detto...

So so amazing Rosanna. Can you even see it with the plain eye? I know I could never do anything that small. Thanks for sharing. Hugs~ Kim

Glenda/MidSouth ha detto...

I could not even imagine trying something like that. I have trouble enough working with the minis I have.

cockerina ha detto...

siamo sicuri che non sia un fotomontaggio???
cmq io in Cina ho visto in un museo, un chicco di riso sul quale era stata scritta una poesia in cinese... chiaramente si poteva visionare solo attraverso una potente lente di ingrandimento...

ciao, Caterina

rosanna ha detto...

Ciao Caterina, no, non è un fotomontaggio.Nel museo l'ago era sotto una mega lente illuminata altrimenti non sarebbe stato possibile vedere alcunchè.
Dear friends, I am not going to do anything of the sort. It is really too small. You cannot see it unless it's under a strong magnifier with a light on.I'm not THAT crazy.

kathi ha detto...

I had to laugh when you said "I'm not that crazy!" :)
You do some amazing little things yourself!

Christel ha detto...

Oh my!! I think I would have pulled all my hair off if I had to make anything this small!! 1/12scale is small enough for me;)

Linda Carswell ha detto...

It certainly is amazing work...but I have one question...WHY? Why would any one go to all this trouble to make something so tiny, when you actually can't see it? I'm with Christel, 1:12 scale is small enough for me!

I guess if I had another question, it would be...HOW?

Linda x

Meli Abellán ha detto...

Wow Rosanna is even hard for me to see the camels!!

Sarah Tognetti ha detto...

Ciao Rosanna, volevo dirti che ti ho menzionata nel mio blog perchè ho preso 2 foto dal tuo blog...quelle dell'acquedotto romano! Grazie! Bacio


Pubdoll ha detto...

I' ve seen some photos of this needle art before,and it leaves me in awe every time. I haven't seen this one before, though. Just incredible!

Sans! ha detto...

"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of the needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God". I have always love this saying but according to a tour guide in Israel, "the eye of the needle" is in fact a gate somewhere in! Not sure how true that is. But when I see something like this, I am reminded that human beings are capable of so many wonders.

Paris Miniatures ha detto...

Waoooow!That's small!
Needleless to say your in for a headache trying go that way!!...well I agree with you , sometimes it's better to enjoy looking at it rather than trying!

Paris Miniatures ha detto...

And I forgot, I have seen some crazy stuff of that kind in Spain in what was called "the smallest museum in the world"...but Never set a foot in Montélimar, shame!!

Anneke ha detto...

that is so incredibly amazing! unbelievable! I know it's possible, one of my friends had a toothpick where the artist sculpted the top into a prancing horse! but this is even SMALLER! :O truly wonderfull!!