Guardate che meraviglia!!
Sono le liquerizie inglesi che mi ha mandato Debbie. Sono PICCOLISSIME e a strati proprio come quelle vere. Fa persino paura toccarle.
Grazie, grazie, grazie Debbie: vado subito a metterle nella pasticeria.
Nel frattempo saluto e dò il benvenuto a due nuove lettrici
Moti di Malaga che ha due blogs Http://ooakminis.blogspot.com/ dove mostra tenerissimi bambolini
Minialev dal Paraguay http://minialev.bolgspot.com/ dove mostra bellissimi mobili.
Benvenute ad entrambe.
Look at this wonder!!
They are the Allsort liquorice that Debbie has sent to me. They are SMALLLL and made in layers exactly like the original ones. I'm even scared to touch them.
Many, many, many thanks to you Debbie: i'm going to place the into the swet shop.
In the meanwhile I greet and welcome two new followers
Moti from Malaga who has two blogs http://ooakminis.blogspot.com/ where she shows the cutest dolls
Minialev from Paraguay http://minialev.blogspot.com/ where she shows beatiful furniture.
Welcome to you both.
Sono le liquerizie inglesi che mi ha mandato Debbie. Sono PICCOLISSIME e a strati proprio come quelle vere. Fa persino paura toccarle.
Grazie, grazie, grazie Debbie: vado subito a metterle nella pasticeria.
Nel frattempo saluto e dò il benvenuto a due nuove lettrici
Moti di Malaga che ha due blogs Http://ooakminis.blogspot.com/ dove mostra tenerissimi bambolini
Minialev dal Paraguay http://minialev.bolgspot.com/ dove mostra bellissimi mobili.
Benvenute ad entrambe.
Look at this wonder!!
They are the Allsort liquorice that Debbie has sent to me. They are SMALLLL and made in layers exactly like the original ones. I'm even scared to touch them.
Many, many, many thanks to you Debbie: i'm going to place the into the swet shop.
In the meanwhile I greet and welcome two new followers
Moti from Malaga who has two blogs http://ooakminis.blogspot.com/ where she shows the cutest dolls
Minialev from Paraguay http://minialev.blogspot.com/ where she shows beatiful furniture.
Welcome to you both.
4 commenti:
Thank goodness that they've finally arrived. So pleased you like them.
Mini Hugs
Ciao Rosanna!
Hai ragione, sono strabelle =)
un abbraccio!
How Cute. She is very talented.
Rosanna, please call over to my blog later. There will be an award waiting for you..
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